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Contact Us

Contact Form


C.da Torre di Nebbia Corato Bari 70033 Italy
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Miscellaneous Information:

Masseria Torre di Nebbia
C.da Torre di Nebbia
70033 Corato (Ba)
Tel. +39 348 52 66 348
Tel. +39 329 25 82 419


Direction from:
Corato (BA)
Andria (BT)
Aeroporto Internazionale di Bari Karol Wojtyla

GPS Coordinates
Lat: 41.034281
Lon: 16.286779

Use the QRcode reader to save the GPS coordinates on your smartphone.





Distance from:

Castel del Monte (BT) 11Km
Corato (BA) 25Km
Trani (BT) 40Km
Andria (BT) 25Km
Matera (MT) 60Km
Alberobello (BA) 110Km
Lecce 207Km
Napoli 220Km
Roma 420Km


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